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New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyers > New Orleans Child Injury Lawyer

New Orleans Child Injury Lawyer

Children are active. They can often be found outside playing on playground equipment, running, hopping, and playing sports and games. As a result, sometimes they get injured. They may trip and fall. They may slide on some ice or water on the ground. They may fall off a swing or jungle gym.

For the most part, there is not much that can be done to prevent these types of injuries. They’re part of being a child. Nobody is at fault. But sometimes child injuries are caused by an adult’s negligence, whether it be a babysitter, teacher, bus driver, doctor, product manufacturer, or even their own parents. In these situations, there may be compensation available to pay for the damages.

Can you file a claim for your child’s injuries? A New Orleans child injury lawyer from Palazzo Law Firm will work diligently to assess your case and get you the compensation you deserve.

Common Child Injuries

Children can be injured by various forms of negligence, such as:

  • Accidents in schools or daycare centers
  • Accidents on school buses
  • Mistreatment by babysitters
  • Mechanical damage from park equipment
  • Accidents in swimming pools
  • Car or pedestrian accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Use of defective appliances or toys

Child injuries are also caused by medical negligence. This may include substandard care by  doctors, failed medical treatment, surgical errors, and medication errors. This is known as medical malpractice and can lead to serious consequences such as:

  • Increased morbidity and mortality
  • Bone fractures
  • Internal injuries
  • Delayed weight gain

Child injuries can also be caused by parents or guardians. These adults may neglect or abuse their children, causing injuries and medical conditions such as:

  • Bruises or welts
  • Burns
  • Malnutrition or dehydration
  • Poisoning
  • Mental injuries such as anxiety or distress

What Parents Can Do

When a child has been injured or killed by someone else’s negligence, it is up to the parents to be proactive and take the next steps. While money won’t bring back a child who has passed away, it can help bring about justice as well as pay for medical bills and other expenses.

Do not wait to seek legal advice. In Louisiana, you have just one year from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. Therefore, you need to act quickly. You will need the assistance of lawyers, investigators, and forensic experts to determine negligence and liability as well as value your claim. Work with your lawyer to gather all necessary evidence to build your case .

Contact Palazzo Law Firm Today

Child injuries can cause physical and emotional harm. Adults who negligently or intentionally cause harm to a child should be punished appropriately. Count on Palazzo Law Firm to help you with your child’s injury case. We understand these are sensitive situations and that the statute of limitations is very short. Schedule a consultation with a New Orleans child injury lawyer today. Call 504-433-1442 or fill out the online form.

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