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Getting injured at work is often more than an inconvenience. You may need to take a substantial amount of time off to recover from your injury. And this can lead to a great deal of financial anxiety as you worry about paying your medical bills and otherwise making ends meet.

Fortunately, Louisiana’s workers’ compensation system provides you with certain benefits if you have been injured due to an employment-related accident or occupational illness. But employers and their insurance companies may still throw up certain roadblocks towards obtaining these benefits. An experienced lawyer can serve as your advocate during this process. Palazzo Law Firm represents many injured workers who are seeking the just compensation they are entitled to under the law.

What Benefits Can You Receive Under Louisiana’s Workers’ Compensation System?

Workers’ compensation is designed to provide a legal remedy when an employee is injured on the job. Most employees are covered by Louisiana’s workers’ compensation system. This includes part-time and seasonal workers, as well as certain contractors. An employer is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to guarantee its legal obligations, although some large employers may self-insure.

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. What this means is that you do not have to prove your employer was negligent or caused your accident in order to obtain benefits. Likewise, an employer cannot deny benefits simply because your own actions may have contributed to your injury. At the same time, workers’ compensation is classified as an “exclusive” remedy with respect to employer liability–so you cannot file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer so long as it complies with its workers’ compensation obligations.

Depending on your specific injury or illness, workers’ compensation will pay you the following benefits:

  • Medical benefits. This includes the costs of your medical care related to your injury or illness. By law you have the right to select one doctor of your choice in each specialty field required for your care.
  • Indemnity benefits. If you are unable to return to work for more than seven calendar days, you are entitled to temporary total disability benefits equal to two-thirds of your average weekly wage (subject to a maximum benefit provided by state law). You may also receive benefits if you are able to return to work but unable to earn at least 90 percent of your pre-injury wage.
  • Vocational rehabilitation. If you are unable to return to your pre-accident wage level in your old job, you may qualify for vocational rehabilitation services, i.e., training for a new job.
  • Catastrophic injury or death. If you sustain a catastrophic injury–such as the loss of both hands or quadriplegia–you are entitled to a one-time payment of $50,000. If an employee dies as a result of a work-related injury, their surviving spouse or dependents are entitled to weekly benefits.

Contact The Palazzo Law Firm Today

You only have a limited time to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. And even once you file, your employer and their insurance company may challenge the scope or extent of your injury. That is why it is important to work with a skilled lawyer who can represent your best interests. Contact Palazzo Law Firm today to schedule an initial consultation with a member of our team.

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