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The workplace should be a relatively safe place for employees. Nobody should have to worry about getting injured or killed while at work. Unfortunately, though, severe injuries and fatalities do happen, especially in dangerous industries such as construction, fishing, and forestry.

A severe work injury can impact your life in many ways. You may be unable to go back to work. Your daily life may be affected. You may suffer from an amputation or mobility issue that makes it difficult or impossible to walk or perform daily activities of living.

Physical injuries can have emotional impacts as well. You may feel embarrassed or isolated. This can lead to anxiety and depression.

As you can see, a work injury can affect you in many ways. If you have been a victim, the team at Palazzo Law Firm can assess your situation and ensure you are getting the compensation you are entitled to receive.

Types of Work Injuries

A worker can suffer from a variety of injuries on the job site or in the office, based on the work environment and nature of their work. Some common work injuries include:

  • Repetitive strain injuries. These injuries are caused by performing the same task repeatedly, which can lead to damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis are common examples. While common, these types of injuries can be hard to prove for workers’ compensation purposes.
  • Back injuries. Those who engage in physical labor are more likely to suffer from back injuries, but even office workers can be affected as well. Sitting for prolonged periods of time without stretching or changing position can cause back injuries. So can lifting heavy objects or performing tasks that require repetitive bending or twisting.
  • Slip and fall injuries. Slips and falls are common on construction sites and in restaurants, where spilled liquids are common. They can also occur when walking on wet or slippery surfaces or when there is clutter or other hazards.
  • Burns can be caused by exposure to chemicals, electricity, or heat sources. Burns can happen in restaurants and laboratories. Electricians face a high risk as well.
  • Machine-related injuries. When machines are used, such as in factories, on construction sites, and in lumber mills, a person can suffer an amputation, laceration, crush injury, or other serious injury. It is important to ensure equipment is properly maintained and operated.
  • Respiratory injuries. These injuries can be caused by exposure to dust, fumes, and other airborne particles. They can lead to respiratory illnesses or conditions such as asthma.

Contact Palazzo Law Firm Today

The workplace can be unsafe. It can lead to work injuries that can be severe in nature. Some injured workers are unable to work ever again.

Your life can change in many ways after a work injury. Count on the team at Palazzo Law Firm to help you get the compensation you need to move forward. Speak with a lawyer today to learn more. Fill out the online form or call (504) 433-1442.

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