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Home > Railroad Accident

There are many railroad tracks in the state of Louisiana. These tracks help support the movement of trains, which efficiently carry consumer goods and passengers to various locations.

While trains are one of the safest forms of transportation, accidents still happen. A train may go off its tracks or sustain equipment failure. Many railroad crashes are caused by human error.

Railroad accidents can affect those riding on trains as well as people around them, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and occupants of other vehicles. If you have been a victim, seek legal help from the lawyers at Palazzo Law Firm. We’ll work hard to determine liability and get you the compensation you deserve.

Types of Railroad Accidents

Some common types of railroad accidents include:

  • A train derailment that has injured passengers
  • Accidents in which a train collides with a passenger vehicle or a commercial truck
  • Accidents in which a train hits a pedestrian or bicyclist
  • Slips and falls at the train station
  • Injuries to railroad workers due to dangerous working conditions and derailments

Causes of Railroad Accidents

Railroad accidents have many causes, such as the following:

  • As with motor vehicle accidents, fatigue can also cause train accidents. Railroad employees often work long hours and fluctuating schedules, which can affect their sleep. Fatigue makes it harder to focus on what’s ahead.
  • Traveling at high speeds can make it harder to stop for any hazards ahead. The larger the vehicle is and the faster it moves, the more time and distance it needs to stop.
  • Negligent motorists. Sometimes accidents are caused by drivers of motor vehicles or pedestrians who fail to observe warning lights and try to beat the train.
  • Defects to the tracks. Issues with the railroad tracks are a common problem. They account for 28 percent of train accidents, making them the second-most common cause.
  • A lack of training or experience by a train conductor can make accidents more likely to occur.

Liability in a Train Accident

There are several parties that may be liable for a train accident, including:

  • The train operator.
  • The owner of the train.
  • The state agency tasked with maintaining the tracks if a track defect resulted in an injury.
  • The manufacturer or distributor of defective train parts.
  • Other motorists or pedestrians.

Keep in mind that trains are considered common carriers, since they offer their transportation services to the public. This means that the company that runs the train has an increased duty of care to ensure the safety of passengers.

Contact Palazzo Law Firm Today

Railroad accidents can be serious or even fatal in nature, especially if a pedestrian is involved.

Determining liability can be difficult in train crashes. Count on the team at Palazzo Law Firm to help you through the process. Schedule a free consultation with our experienced Gretna railroad accident lawyer by filling out the online form or calling (504) 433-1442.

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