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Home > Premises Liability

Have you been injured in an accident that occurred on someone else’s property? If so, the owner or person responsible for that property may owe you compensation for your injuries and any losses associated with it. In Louisiana law, this is known as a premises liability claim.

The rules governing premises liability cases are complicated and often confuse victims who are unfamiliar with the law in this area. Our lawyer can help you in understanding your rights and responsibilities. Palazzo Law Firm represents individuals who have been injured in slip and fall, trip and fall, and similar cases where a property owner’s negligence led to a foreseeable harm. We can assist you with investigating the circumstances leading up to your accident, deal with insurance companies, and if necessary pursue litigation on your behalf to recover compensation.

When Is a Property Owner Liable for Someone’s Injuries?

There are three basic conditions that must be met to successfully pursue compensation based on premises liability:

  • The defendant was actually responsible for the premises. In many cases, the defendant is the person or business entity that owned the property in question. But that is not always the case. If you are injured in a slip and fall accident at a store, for example, the company that leased the space from the owner may be the responsible party.
  • The victim was legally on the property when their injury occurred. Generally speaking, a property owner owes no legal duty of care to a trespasser or someone who was on their property without authorization. But if the victim was on the property legally–say, as a member of the public invited to shop at a store or a guest attending a party at someone’s house–the owner does assume a certain legal duty to exercise reasonable care in maintaining a safe environment.
  • The owner does not maintain a safe environment. This is the crux of a premises liability claim. An owner is not necessarily responsible for every accident that occurs on their property. But they can be held liable if their negligence or inability to take reasonable steps to identify and remedy any potential safety hazard leads to a foreseeable injury.

An owner’s negligence may be something as simple as failing to clean up a puddle of water on the floor or repairing a broken handrail on a staircase. In some cases it can even include failure to provide security in a known high-crime area. The reality is that premises liability cases are highly fact-specific, which is why it is often necessary to conduct an extensive preliminary investigation before negotiating a potential settlement with an insurance company or filing a personal injury lawsuit in court.

Contact The Palazzo Law Firm Today

You no doubt have many questions following an accident regarding a property owner’s potential responsibility for paying your medical bills and compensating you for other losses. The lawyer at Palazzo Law Firm can sit down with you and review your case. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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