You probably know that if you are injured at your job, your employer will cover your medical bills and offer wage replacement benefits under Louisiana’s worker’s compensation system. But what if you work in the maritime industry, either on a vessel or as a longshoreman? There are actually special federal laws that apply to such cases.
An experienced lawyer can provide you with legal advice and representation if you have been injured in an accident while working for a maritime employer. The team at Palazzo Law Firm understands the law in this area and will work to ensure that you receive the full amount of compensation owed to you under federal law.
How Federal Law Helps with Maritime Injuries
There are two principal federal laws that apply to people who work in maritime industries. The first, the Jones Act, covers the “master or member” of a ship’s crew–or people who used to be referred to as “seamen.” Essentially, any employee who contributes to the function of a vessel or its mission is covered by the Jones Act in the event of a work injury.
A second statute, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA), also known as the Jones Act, covers non-seamen who are injured while working a job “on the navigable waters of the United States” or in areas commonly used to load, unload, build, or repair a vessel. Basically, any worker in a traditional maritime occupation–excluding members of a vessel’s crew–is protected by the Jones Act. In some cases, even non-maritime employees are covered when they perform work, and are injured upon navigable waters.
Depending on your specific job, either the Jones Act or the LHWCA will provide you with benefits similar to traditional worker’s compensation for other workers. This includes payment of your medical bills, wage replacement benefits, and even training for a new occupation if you are unable to return to your previous job due to the severity of your injuries.
If for any reason you are not eligible for either Jones Act or LHWCA benefits following a maritime injury, you may be entitled to file a claim under Louisiana’s worker’s compensation law. Or you may have grounds for suing an employer, particularly if their negligence was responsible for your accident in the first place.
Contact The Palazzo Law Firm Today
Maritime accidents are often far more serious than injuries that occur in more traditional, land-based occupations. An accident on a ship, for example, can lead to catastrophic injuries and even death. So it is important that the injured employee and their families have access to every available legal avenue for obtaining appropriate compensation.
The first step should be to work with a skilled lawyer who can review your case and advise you of which laws apply to your situation. If you need to speak with an attorney as soon as possible, contact Palazzo Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation.