Any sudden blow to the head can lead to a traumatic brain injury. These injuries can vary widely in terms of symptoms and long-term consequences. In some cases a person may only experience a headache for a few days. But more severe brain injuries can result in permanent disability or even death.
Hundreds of people in Louisiana suffer brain injuries every year due to someone else’s negligent act. If you are one of these individuals, a qualified lawyer can assist you in seeking compensation from the responsible parties. The team at Palazzo Law Firm has a strong track record of producing results for clients who have been injured in accidents that were the fault of one or more other parties.
What Are the Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury?
Brain injuries are often tricky to diagnose following an accident. There are often no outward physical signs of damage unless an object has actually pierced the skull. Traumatic brain injuries often involve “shaking” the brain inside of the skull. So it is possible for someone to get up and walk away from an accident without realizing they have even sustained an injury.
But this is why it is always a good practice to seek medical attention following any accident where you have taken any sort of blow to the head. A medical professional can conduct proper testing to determine if there is a possible brain injury. And even if there are no immediate signs, you should still see a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms in the days or weeks following an accident:
- headaches;
- convulsions or seizures;
- blurred or double vision;
- nausea or vomiting;
- slurred speech;
- weakness in the arms, legs, or face;
- sudden loss of balance;
- difficulty concentrating or remembering things;
- changes in sleep patterns;
- sensitivity to light or sound;
- mood swings; or
- any loss of consciousness.
While the symptoms from a brain injury can dissipate within a few days, in some cases there may be permanent damage. This can lead to a permanent loss of partial functioning and have a profound effect on a person’s ability to return to work or resume their normal activities of daily living. These losses are factored into any award of damages a person can seek in a personal injury claim.
Contact The Palazzo Law Firm Today
Indeed, compensation in brain injury cases is often significantly higher than in the typical accident settlement. A brain injury victim may require a lifetime of medical care and therapy to deal with their condition. And any compensation must reflect long-term effects such as diminished earning capacity and the victim’s reduced quality of life.
A skilled lawyer can review your case and advise you of your best options for seeking compensation. Depending on the nature of your accident, it may be possible to negotiate a settlement without the need for an extended trial. So if you would like to speak with an attorney as soon as possible, contact Palazzo Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.