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Home > 18-Wheeler Accident

You can barely travel a mile on I-10 without seeing an 18-wheeler. These big rigs are one of the backbones of our economy, hauling cargo across the country. But when one of these semi-trucks gets into an accident, the consequences are often devastating for other motorists on the road.

Any driver who causes a crash can be held liable for the injuries sustained by their victims. This also applies to truck drivers and the companies that employ them. A qualified lawyer can assist you in holding these parties accountable. At Palazzo Law Firm, we represent accident victims struggling to pay their bills and get back on their feet following a commercial trucking accident. We can investigate all of the facts and circumstances surrounding your accident and advise you on the best course of action for seeking compensation under the law.

Truck Companies Are Responsible for Their Negligent Drivers

Accidents involving 18-wheelers are generally more complicated–both from a factual and legal standpoint–than your average car crash. The first step in determining what happened is often to look at the actions of the truck driver. While not all 18-wheeler accidents are the result of driver accidents, many are. Some of the common driver factors that may be in play include:

  • Fatigue. Truck drivers often push themselves–or are pushed by employers–to meet strict delivery deadlines. Federal regulations govern how long a driver may stay on the road without taking a break or resting. But many truckers ignore these rules and allow themselves to continue driving while fatigued.
  • Reckless and aggressive driving. As with any motor vehicle, a truck driver who speeds or wantonly ignores traffic laws can easily collide with other vehicles.
  • Driving under the influence. Drunk or drugged driving is never a safe behavior for any driver. If the driver of an 18-wheeler is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it can seriously impair their judgment and ability to react while on the road.

Under Louisiana law, when a truck driver is employed by another company, that employer is vicariously liable for any accidents caused by that employee in the course of their employment. In other words, when a negligent truck driver causes an 18-wheeler accident, the trucking company is on the hook as well for any damages sustained by the victims. Truck companies know this, which is why they–and their insurance companies–will often try to deny liability for an accident or try to shift the blame to other parties.

Contact Palazzo Law Firm Today

If you have been injured in any motor vehicle accident, you have just one year under Louisiana law to file a lawsuit against the responsible parties. This deadline is especially short when dealing with 18-wheeler accidents, as it is often necessary to review a substantial amount of evidence before a case can be filed. That is why you should not delay in speaking with a qualified lawyer. Contact Palazzo Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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